First Aid kit ( small)
First Aid kit ( small) Packed with 92 useful and valuable hospital grade first aid supplies – See the product images and the product description below for a full list of contents. We are confident that you will find that there are more and higher quality contents in our kits than any other on the market. First Aid kit is designed for maximum efficiency and portability, this basic first aid kit weighs only 0.35 pound and features a compact, travel-friendly design.
Perfect for cars , schools , boat , children and more. First Aid kit the ultimate survival kit consists of everything that you need to clean and dress minor wounds in a convenient mini pouch . Our first aid bag also includes a premium selection of emergency-preparedness supplies, giving you the peace of mind that you deserve for small trauma during every adventure at home, school, office, and the outdoors.
First Aid kit carry CE and ISO13485 approvals to ensure conformance to global standards wherever they are used. Home kit contents: A household first aid kit should include these 16 items.
- Adhesive tape
- Anesthetic spray (Bactine) or lotion (Calamine, Campho-Phenique) – for itching rashes and insect bites
- 4″ x 4″ sterile gauze pads – for covering and cleaning wounds, as a soft eye patch
- 2″, 3″, and 4″ Ace bandages – for wrapping sprained or strained joints, for wrapping gauze on to wounds, for wrapping on splints
- Adhesive bandages (all sizes)
- Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) – oral antihistamine for allergic reactions, itching rashes. Avoid topical antihistamine creams because they may worsen the rash in some people.
- Exam gloves – for infection protection, and can be made into ice packs if filled with water and frozen
- Polysporin antibiotic cream – to apply to simple wounds
- Nonadhesive pads (Telfa) – for covering wounds and burns
- Pocket mask for CPR
- Resealable oven bag – as a container for contaminated articles, can become an ice pack
- Safety pins (large and small) – for splinter removal and for securing triangular bandage sling
- Scissors
- Triangular bandage – as a sling, towel, tourniquet
- Tweezers – for splinter or stinger or tick removal
- In case of a medical or trauma related emergency, a list of family member’s medical history, medications, doctors, insurance company, and contact persons should be readily available.
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